Cranes and Lifting Operations
Crane work and lifting operations can present very high risks to persons involved in the task and other persons in the work area.
Assessing and controlling the risks and having qualified and competent personnel safely using the correct equipment is a key requirement (and legal obligation) for safe crane lifting operations.
What is a Crane Lift Plan?
A lift plan (or lift study) is a critical control process for lifting operations and the requirements from these plans must be implemented to ensure a ‘critical crane lift’ is executed safely.
A comprehensive and documented lifting plan should be completed in the following situations:
- Tilt-up panel works.
- Multiple crane lifts, i.e. where more than one crane is used to lift a load at the same time.
- Lifting of workboxes (or personnel safety cages) with persons in the boxes.
- Installation of bridge beams during bridge installation work.
- Working near live overhead powerlines.
- Lifting large pressure vessels or tanks.
- The use of mobile cranes on barges.
- Erection of tower cranes.
- Heavy lifts where the load is 50 tons or more.
Note: All persons involved in the critical lift should be instructed on the safe work procedures to ensure the lift is safely executed. If there is any variation from the agreed lift plan, the job should be stopped and re-assessed by the team to ensure a continuous safe operation.
Contents of this Crane Lift Plan
This lift plan has provisions for the following aspects (and subsets thereof) of a crane lift:
- Worksite location.
- Crane(s) to be used.
- Registration.
- Inspection certificate.
- Operator name.
- Competency required.
- Task description.
- Pre-lift load details.
- Equipment details.
- Other equipment.
- Description of any possible interaction.
- Controls to eliminate or minimize interaction.
- Signals.
- Nominal capacity.
- Boom length.
- Counterweight.
- Outrigger configuration.
- Main hoist.
- Load.
- Mass of the main hook.
- Mass of aux or fly hook.
- Rigging and extras.
- Multiple crane factor.
- Lifting frame beam.
- Shackles.
- Wire/round/flat slings.
- Chain angle.
- Lifting points, direction.
- Sheave/clutch/other.
- Standing.
- Light/sun angle.
- Wind.
- Weather.
- Visibility.
Why Choose to Buy this Crane Lift Plan
- This 6-page lift plan can assist you develop a critical lift plan with the crane crew personnel that are involved in a crane lift work task.
- The plan can assist you assess and control the risks with a major crane lift and verifying that the correct equipment is being used safely.
After purchasing this template you will be able to:
- Very easily edit and customize the template to create your own lift plan.
- Apply your own style, format and brand to the plan.
- Use it in any industry or sector regardless of size or type of organization.
Availability and Use of this Crane Lift Plan
- This crane lift template is accessible to you right now by clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button.
- The plan will be delivered to you in fully editable Microsoft Word format for immediate and full use in your business.
- There are no subscriptions, contracts or ongoing costs.
This Lift Plan is 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.