Workplace First Aid Provisions
According to legislation, every workplace must have first aid provisions available. The contents of a first aid kit should be appropriate for the size of the workplace and the types of injuries that could occur.
The kit should be easily accessible and in a location that is known to all employees. It should also be clearly labeled and well-stocked.
What is a First Aid Risk Assessment?
To ensure the safety of employees, it is important for employers to have a workplace first aid kit. But what should be included in this kit and how many are needed? This is where a first aid risk assessment needs to be completed.
A first aid risk assessment is a process whereby the potential risks and hazards associated with first aid provisions in the workplace are identified and assessed.
The aim of the assessment is to ensure that first aid provisions and first aid personnel are adequate and appropriate for the workplace and that any risks are mitigated as much as possible.
Contents of this First Aid Risk Assessment
This form has provisions to assess the following aspects of workplace first aid:
- The size and location of the workplace.
- The number and composition of the workers.
- Likely injuries, illnesses and incidents.
- Nature of the work being carried out.
- Hazards identified.
- Number of first aiders required.
- Number of first aid kits required.
Why Choose to Buy this First Aid Risk Assessment Form
This 2-page form can assist you determine how many first aiders and first aid kits are required at your workplace.
After purchasing this template you will be able to:
- Very easily edit and customize the template to create your own first aid risk assessment.
- Apply your own style, format and brand to the form.
- Use it in any industry or sector regardless of size or type of organization.
Availability and Use of this Assessment Form
- This template is accessible to you right now by clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button.
- The template will be delivered to you in fully editable Microsoft Word format for immediate and full use in your business.
- There are no subscriptions, contracts or ongoing costs.
This Form is 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.