
ISO 45001 Management of Risks and Opportunities Procedure

ISO 45001 Management of Risks and Opportunities Procedure

This ISO 45001 management of risks and opportunities procedure template can assist your business comply with ISO 45001, Management Systems clauses:

  • 6.0. Planning.
  • 6.1. Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities.
  • 6.1.1. General.
  • 6.1.2. Hazard Identification and Assessment of Risks and Opportunities.


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What is the Management of ISO 45001 OH&S Risks and Opportunities?

An organization’s ability with the management of OH&S risks and competencies to capitalize on opportunities is critical to its success. However, many organizations struggle with OH&S risk management and the identification of improvement opportunities.

A business should consider and manage risks and opportunities differently. Risks are managed with a focus on decreasing their likelihood and minimizing their impact while opportunities are managed to increase their likelihood and maximize their benefits.

Most importantly, where risks and opportunities overlap, the appropriate method for managing them should be ascertained given the situation. Elements of such ‘blended’ uncertainties may require methods that address both the negative risk and positive opportunities.

How to Manage OH&S Risks and Opportunities

An organization’s approach to managing OH&S risks and opportunities will vary depending on the size and type of business, the products or services it provides, and the sector in which it operates.

The most effective approach to managing risks and opportunities is to adopt a systematic and proactive approach, and this should be embedded into the culture of the business.

Organizations have a responsibility to protect their employees, customers, and the public from risks associated with their business activities. One of the best ways to manage or reduce risks is to have an effective documented procedure in place to follow.

The overall aim of OH&S risk and opportunity management is to ensure that capabilities and resources are engaged in a manner to mitigate risks and take advantage of opportunities and implement ISO 45001, as applicable.

A Flowchart of Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities
                       A Flowchart of Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities

Contents of this ISO 45001 OHS Management of Risks and Opportunities Procedure

  • Purpose.
  • Scope.
  • Terms and Definitions.
  • Roles and Responsibilities.
  • Risk and Opportunity Management Process Overview.
  • Risks and Opportunities Process Flowchart.
  • Management of Risks.
  • Safety Risk Assessments.
  • Risk Control.
  • Management of Opportunities.
  • Monitor and Review.
  • Reporting.
  • Communication.
  • Training.
  • Related Procedures, Forms and Documents.
  • Review Criteria.
  • Record Management.
  • References.

Why Choose to Buy this ISO 45001 OH&S Management of Risks and Opportunities Procedure

This 11-page ISO 45001 OH&S management of risks and opportunities procedure will document the risk and opportunity processes, so you can:

  • Consider all types of risk and opportunities, including injury or illness, health, safety, environment, quality, processes, schedules, costs, 3rd parties, etc.
  • Confirm that the scope of the procedure fully applies within management’s area(s) of authority.
  • Ensure that resources are provided to enable the management of risks and opportunities.
  • Identify the risk management process, identification of hazards and risk analysis within health and safety management.
  • Ensure that all relevant parties and perspectives are appropriately engaged with support services.
  • Complete a gap analysis to determine levels of a safe and healthy workplace and to continuously improve to national standards, as required.
  • Assist you with the maintenance of a risk and opportunity register (if used) for the scope, objectives, interested parties and working conditions.
  • Support compliance with the ISO 45001 standard regarding health and safety risks and opportunities.

After purchasing this template you will be able to:

  • Very easily edit and customize the template to create your own procedure.
  • Apply your own style, format and brand to the procedure.
  • Use it in any industry or sector regardless of the size or type of organization.

Availability and Use of this ISO 45001 OH&S Management of Risks and Opportunities Procedure

  • This OH&S management of risks and opportunities procedure is accessible to you right now by clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button.
  • The procedure will be delivered to you in fully editable Microsoft Word format for immediate and full use in your business.
  • There are no subscriptions, contracts or ongoing costs.

ISO 45001 Management of Risks and Opportunities Procedure Guarantee

This ISO 45001 OH&S Management of Risks and Opportunities Procedure is 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.


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