
Work at Height Permit

Work at Height Permit

This work at height permit:

  • Can be used to manage working at height risks and hazards.
  • Can ensure the work at height is properly planned and organized.
  • Can prioritize safety and ensure that workers are adequately prepared and protected when performing tasks at elevated locations.


What is a Work at Height Permit?

A work at height permit is a formal authorization document issued by an organization or employer to individuals or teams engaging in tasks that involve working at heights.

The permit serves as a critical safety measure to ensure that proper precautions are taken and necessary control measures are in place to protect workers from potential fall hazards.

The permit typically outlines specific requirements, procedures and safety protocols that must be followed during the execution of tasks at elevated locations.

The permit process involves a thorough assessment of the work area, identification of potential risks and the implementation of appropriate safety measures. The permit is usually issued after considering factors such as the nature of the work, the height involved, the duration of the task and the competency of the workers involved.

It may include information about the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE), tools, and equipment required, as well as any specific training or certifications needed to carry out the work safely.

The permit also stipulates the responsibilities of the workers, supervisors and any other relevant parties involved in the work at height activities.

About this Work at Height Permit

This work at height permit can be used to enable you to implement a safe system, for any work you plan to undertake at height. The permit can be used to verify that risks are adequately managed, and the work is undertaken safely.

The permit will significantly reduce the risk of an incident occurring, by ensuring that all persons are aware of the hazards and risks and take the necessary precautions. The permit will also prompt for worker competencies and has provisions for a work at height rescue plan.

When is a Work at Height Permit Required?

Work at Height Permit SIgn

Working at height ‘typically’ means working in any place where a person(s) could be injured falling from an elevated level.

A work at height permit is required whenever there is a need to ensure that work is carried out safely and to prevent unauthorized access to areas where work at height is taking place. The permit must be displayed in a prominent location at the work site.

Before work at height activities that require a permit commence, some key elements to consider include:

  • Is there another way to conduct the task to reduce risks to as low as reasonably practicable, specifically by protecting personnel from hazards involved with the works and avoiding permitted works wherever possible?
  • What hazards are present with the task to be undertaken?
  • What training and competencies are required for the work task to be completed safely?
  • What controls need to be implemented to prevent persons from being injured from the works required to be undertaken?
  • Who needs to supervise the work to complete the task safely?
  • If outdoor works, what will be the weather conditions?
  • What other procedures need to be reviewed in line with the task to be completed?
  • What isolation process, specific to the type of work is required?
  • Does the area need to be demarcated? And if so, how?
  • Is a formal risk assessment for the work at height required and what controls are required?

Why Become a Member of Redcat Safety and Download this Work at Height Permit?

Working at heights introduces potential hazards, including falls, equipment malfunctions and structural instability. This permit can prioritize safety and mitigate the risks associated with tasks performed at elevated locations.

After downloading this working at heights permit you will be able to:

  • Very easily edit and customize the template to create your own permit to work at height.
  • Apply your own style, format and brand to the permit.
  • Use it in any industry or sector regardless of size or type of organization.

Availability and Use of this Permit to Work at Height

  • This permit template is accessible to you right now by clicking the ‘Become a Member Now’ button.
  • The permit will be delivered to you in fully editable Microsoft Word format for immediate and full use in your business.
  • There are no membership auto-renewals, contracts or ongoing costs.

Permit to Work at Height Guarantee

If you can find HSEQ resources that are of better value than what your Redcat Safety Membership offers, we will REFUND YOU double the cost of your membership.


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